Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Medicine for the heart...

We all have moments in which we wish that there was some kind of medicine we could take that would heal our broken hearts. Not the medicine that is taken for physical illnesses, but the kind that we desperately need when we are not doing so well emotionally. A hug, a kiss, a tender gesture from someone that when we look into their eyes our emotional well being finds comfort and relief. It is easier to find over the counter medication for a soar throat, than any kind of soothing for a aching heart. No matter how tough a cookie a person might seem, if you know how to search, eventually you should be able to find a soft spot in their character that reveals so many of their emotional needs. I have seen stone hard men cry when faced with moments of despair. I for one am a terrible example of a tough man since I easily crumble when faced with the things that truly touch my heart. I can see blood and guts and not be phased in any way, but there are much simpler things that swell my eyes and make me choke in mid sentence.

I got together today with my two Puertorrican friends to do lunch. All three of us headed to our typical waterhole and as usual the table was waiting and a round of drinks and an appetizer welcomed us with open arms. The grace of the moment was instantly darkened with the news that our favorite and most beloved manager had been laid off yesterday. We do not know the circumstances that led to the decision of letting her go, but regardless our mood instantly changed from all smiles to somber regret and sadness. From the instant that we discovered such a terrible event, the food, the drinks, and even the music felt all wrong. Not a single smile could be forced out of us once we learned that we would not be sharing with her at this establishment again. I don't think it will ever be the same.

As I wrote in a very recent post, today this news brought the same old question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" If you have not read that post, I suggest you do in order to find any meaning to it all. Personally, I cannot understand why such a great individual will have to fare the weight of this kind of sad outcome. Today I find myself having to mentally apply my own lesson in order to get over the sadness of knowing that a good friend is going through such a hard time. Instead of wasting my time trying to make sense of it all, I have made the conscious choice of putting her way high in my prayer priority so that God be just and allow her to blossom from this experience instead of any of the negative alternatives. I cannot imagine anyone being more equipped than her to take on even greater challenges and succeed regardless of her current hardship. I honestly hope that this event turns her life around to bring all of the precious and wonderful prizes that her hard work and dedication truly deserves.

Life is so much more than one bad or even terrible moment in time. Personally I can attest to this reality. If I were to give up every time that things don't go my way, I would be stuck, grounded in the same place without any future. Instead I have learned that every event in my life has much more meaning than I ever give it credit when it is happening. It might take me days, weeks, and even years, but eventually I have always found a good reason for having to endure every sad and challenging moment in my life. In this same way I hope that all of you that read this blog will eventually be able to figure out why your own life has been challenged in so many different ways too. I encourage you to not waste any of your life experiences and to grow from each and every one of them as much as you are able and capable of growing. There is so much more to life than today. If this was not true, there would be absolutely no need for time.

I will dig deep into my heart today and find as many positive thoughts and prayers for my dear friend that lost her job. I will let God know that the moments that my friends and I spent with her meant a great deal to us and that we are better men because of the goodness of her heart and all of the beautiful things she shared with us throughout the years. In fact, I know that God already knows all of this, but it won't hurt to stand up and say it again so that whatever goodness is headed her way finds her as quick as possible. I know that if I were in her shoes, I would definitely appreciate all of your prayers too.


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